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Juvederm Volbella


Perhaps you once had full pouty lips, and you’ve noticed that they have become thinner and droopy with age. On the other hand, maybe you’ve always wanted more defined, shapely lips. With advancements in cosmetic facial fillers and injectables, the Juvederm family of facial aesthetic products created Juvederm Volbella as a way to enhance the lips.

Just as Juvederm Voluma is uniquely formulated to add volume to the mid-face and cheeks, Juvederm Volbella is specially designed to add fullness and shape to the lips. In addition, the gel-like consistency of Volbella allows for lips to be easily contoured, producing a symmetrical, youthful pout.


Comprised of a proprietary form of hyaluronic acid, Juvederm Volbella is a non-surgical lip augmentation treatment that is administered using an exclusive Vycross technology designed by Allergan. Thus, lips are effectively shaped and enhanced, with results lasting up to one year. With gentle contouring and subtle, natural results, Volbella also softens the appearance of thin lines around the mouth that are more apparent with age.

While Juvederm Volbella is FDA-approved, safe and effective, with promises to add fullness and volume to thin, aging lips, it is important to seek the expertise of a qualified and experienced physician when deciding if Volbella is right for you.

Dr. Daniel Moghadam is an esteemed leader in anti-aging services and aesthetics serving Santa Monica and surrounding areas. In every aspect of treatment, Dr. Moghadam seeks to enhance and promote a patient’s natural beauty and wellness. When patients visit his impressive facility, Modern Aesthetica, they can expect all services to be personally led and administered by Dr. Moghadam himself.

If you reside in Santa Monica or Los Angeles and would like to discuss your personal aesthetic goals or learn more about non-surgical lip enhancement with Juvederm Volbella, contact Modern Aesthetica today.


Modern Aesthetica
8907 Wilshire Blvd , Suite 270
Beverly Hills, CA 90211
Phone: 424-391-3884

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