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Whether due to age, diet, weight gain, genetics or even poor posture, a double chin can certainly cause an individual to appear older or heavier than they are. Though some propose diet and exercise to target and tone the muscles beneath the chin, there is an FDA-approved facial aesthetics technique for targeting submental fullness or double chin called Kybella.

As a first-of-its-kind injectable treatment for adults ages 18 and over, Kybella eliminates fat cells under the chin to redefine an individual’s chin profile.

As a naturally occurring molecule in the body that aids in the breakdown and absorption of fat, deoxycholic acid (in its synthetic form) is the active ingredient in Kybella. Thus, when Kybella is injected into specific areas of a double chin, fat cells are permanently destroyed. In other words, the cells can no longer accumulate or store fat.


Do you have a double chin, despite your commitment to a balanced diet and exercise? Perhaps you’re a naturally slim individual who is self-conscious about the extra fat beneath your chin, but you do not want to have surgery.

Excess fat, also referred to as submental fullness, forms between the muscles, bones and tendons in the neck and chin area. Incredibly stubborn, submental fat does not typically respond to diet and exercise. To make matters worse, for those that are genetically prone to developing fullness under the chin, loss of skin elasticity causes sagging of the excess fat and an older appearance.

Uniquely designed to target submental fat, Kybella is a non-surgical double chin treatment that includes making small injections of a natural body acid into areas beneath the chin. As the extra fatty tissue is eliminated, it is absorbed and removed through the body’s natural processes.

Generally, individuals experience visible results in as little as two treatments in which multiple injections are administered each session. Yet, patients may receive up to six Kybella treatments, depending on their personal treatment plan and aesthetic goals.

Dr. Daniel Moghadam at Modern Aesthetica is proud to offer the revolutionary Kybella non-surgical double chin treatment for patients in Santa Monica and Culver City. As an esteemed physician in anti-aging and aesthetic services, Dr. Moghadam provides focused and compassionate care, helping optimize a patient’s beauty and overall health.

For more information about Kybella or to schedule an appointment, contact Modern Aesthetica today.


Modern Aesthetica
8907 Wilshire Blvd , Suite 270
Beverly Hills, CA 90211
Phone: 424-391-3884

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