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PRP Therapy For Hip Pain


Among other sources, repetitive movement, injury, and arthritis are leading causes of hip pain and discomfort. In the case of hip bursitis, friction develops among muscles, tendons, and bones, causing irritation and inflammation of the bursa. The first symptom is typically localized pain in the hip. Yet, with time, individuals may experience stiffness and pain that moves into the buttocks and thigh. Furthermore, tendinitis, labral injury, or other joint dysfunction can result in osteoarthritis of the hip, eliciting pain and loss of mobility.

For individuals suffering from chronic hip pain and degenerative hip conditions, activity modification, anti-inflammatory medication, or physical therapy is traditionally recommended to manage their pain. In some instances, a corticosteroid injection might be provided. Even so, platelet-rich plasma (PRP) therapy for hip pain continues to produce significant outcomes for hip pain and dysfunction, allowing many patients the advantage of avoiding aggressive surgical treatments.


In short, stem cell therapy utilizes the body’s natural healing capabilities to treat a variety of conditions, including hip pain and degeneration. While stem cells are similar to a repair system for the human body, time and age affect the number of cells that are delivered to an injured or damaged area.

Thus, the premise of stem cell therapy and PRP treatments are to gather pertinent adult stem cells through a sample of a patient’s own blood, spin and isolate the stem cells in a centrifuge machine, and inject them into a diseased area. In response to the injection, the body’s natural healing mechanism is amplified, including the development of new collagen.


As a key player in healing wounds and injured tendons, ligaments, muscles, joints, and other degenerative conditions, PRP treatments have reduced pain for a number of musculoskeletal conditions and disorders, including arthritis and osteoarthritis. Specifically, growth factors found in platelet-rich plasma enhance tissue recovery. While proteins signal new blood vessel formation, the regeneration of bone and connective tissue occur.

At Modern Aesthetica in Santa Monica, Dr. Daniel Moghadam is a leading physician that administers PRP therapy for hip pain associated with bursitis, arthritis, tendinitis, labral injuries, and more. By extracting a small portion of a patient’s blood and isolating the activated platelets, Dr. Moghadam injects them into damaged tissues and joints, signaling reparative cell and collagen formation for pain relief and complete healing.

For more information or to schedule an appointment with Dr. Moghadam, please contact Modern Aesthetica today, his state-of-the-art facility in Santa Monica, CA.


Modern Aesthetica
8907 Wilshire Blvd , Suite 270
Beverly Hills, CA 90211
Phone: 424-391-3884

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