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Medically Supervised Weight Loss Services




The key to shedding fat and maintaining healthy weight is managing your caloric deficit, which includes strictly monitoring the difference between calories consumed and calories burned. The greater the difference, the greater the weight loss achieved, and vice versa. There are different ways to increase the caloric deficit, from limiting your calories and serving sizes to increasing physical activity to balancing your hormones.

At Modern Aesthetica, we provide patients with custom, non-surgical weight loss services that involve lifestyle changes, hormone optimization, and consistency through an accountability and support system to help you shed fat and maintain your healthy weight once you have achieved your goals.


A well designed, personalized nutrition plan that takes into consideration your medical needs is the key to successful weight loss with lasting results.

Each nutrition plan is designed to provide you with a healthy, balanced diet with the right caloric level to ensure optimal metabolism. Studies show that foods rich in vitamins and minerals help to increase the resistance of your adrenals to stress, and boost the health and number of beneficial bacteria in your gut. Both of these elements are crucial for optimal health and sustainable weight loss.

Dr. Moghadam’s customized nutrition plans are designed for your unique needs. So whether you have diabetes, heart disease, celiac disease, high cholesterol, or any other ailment, or perhaps you’re bound by your faith and beliefs regarding the kinds of foods you can consume, Dr. Moghadam will work with you to create a fully customized meal plan that works for you.


For most people, losing weight is just the first step to achieving the body of their dreams. As your body begins to transform with fat loss, you’ll need a personalized fitness program to help shape your body according to your fitness goals.

Strenuous, exhausting workout routines don’t necessarily hasten weight loss. And without a proper program and guidance, you’re likely to suffer injuries, give up midway because of burnout, and possibly reverse any gains.

Instead, our instructors can help to create a custom, targeted fitness plan comprising moderate, sustainable workouts that allow you to shed fat in specific areas to achieve the shape of your dreams without exposing yourself to injury.


Most of our clients don’t realize that aging and the associated decline in certain hormones can also contribute to weight gain. This is most common among women at specific stages in their lives, when the severe disruption in hormonal balance causes reduced quality of life and poor health.

Most women experience considerable hormone induced weight gain in a bimodal sequence, first in their thirties and than again after menopause in their fifties. Our hormone optimization program is designed to regulate your hormonal imbalance, optimize your hormonal response, and counteract any hormone-induced weight gain.


From personalized meal plans to individual weight loss coaching, Modern Aesthetica is committed to helping you achieve your weight loss goals. We realize that even the best plans can only achieve so much without the proper state of mind. That is why all our programs are designed following a thorough assessment of your psychology to optimize adherence and continuity.

Contact Modern Aesthetica in Santa Monica today to get started with your custom weight loss program.


Modern Aesthetica
8907 Wilshire Blvd , Suite 270
Beverly Hills, CA 90211
Phone: 424-391-3884

Office Hours

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