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Restylane Defyne


There’s no question that a loss of skin elasticity causes lines, wrinkles, and creases to deepen as individuals age. Notably, the nasolabial folds or lines that run from the sides of the nose to the corners of the mouth become more apparent. Similarly, the marionette lines running from the corner of the mouth towards the chin are more noticeable.

Thus, to combat deep “laugh lines” and creases, without compromising one’s natural facial movements, Restylane Defyne is an exclusive dermal facial filler designed to restore and refresh one’s appearance.

The idea behind Restylane Defyne is to soften wrinkles by adding support or volume beneath the surface of the skin, thus increasing the skin’s elasticity. What’s more is that the hyaluronic acid contained in the filler brings moisture to the area, providing added support as well as hydration for a youthful glow.


As a non-surgical treatment to smooth deep wrinkles, Restylane Defyne provides subtle, natural-looking results for those that are struggling with nasolabial folds or deepened creases around the mouth. In turn, for individuals hoping to avoid surgery, Restylane Defyne is a promising anti-aging option with results that can last up to 12 months.

Contrary to traditional hyaluronic acid dermal fillers, Restylane Defyne is formulated using a distinct technology called XpresHAn. When administered, the filler better supports natural facial movements and expressions and contains a flexible, cohesive structure when compared to other HA fillers.

At Modern Aesthetica in Santa Monica, Dr. Daniel Moghadam exceeds patients’ expectations when it comes to smoothing out deep lines and wrinkles. As a leader in anti-aging and aesthetic services in the region, Dr. Moghadam tailors treatment to work within the unique chemistry of a patient’s facial anatomy and skin. This means that patients can experience smooth, youthful skin while maintaining their natural expressions.

If deep lines and wrinkles in the lower face or around the mouth bother you, Dr. Moghadam invites you to contact Modern Aesthetica today for personalized anti-aging treatments that are customized to help you obtain the result that you want.


Modern Aesthetica
8907 Wilshire Blvd , Suite 270
Beverly Hills, CA 90211
Phone: 424-391-3884

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